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How To Fold Origami Napkins

Impress your neighbors, friends, and family this year and learn how to fold origami napkins for your place settings! Cloth napkins add a simple elegance to any gathering as well as giving you the opportunity to mix and match new patterns for your table, without having to replace any of your current linens or tablecloths. We’ve challenged ourselves to master and share these fun origami napkin folds, and we would love to see how you use them for your projects!
Basic But-Keep-Your-Elbows-Off-My-Table Folds
Semi Circle
(see above for example!)
1) Lay napkin open and flat.
2) Accordion fold in one inch increments from the bottom to the top.
3) Pinch the center to fold in half.
4) Bring both sides together and flair out once placed into a drinking glass.
Watch the Video: Semi-Circle Origami Napkin Fold
1) Fold napkin into triangle, with the point towards the bottom.
2) Roll the triangle point up towards the top.
3) Knot in the middle for a fun and casual effect.
Watch the Video: What Knot Origami Napkin Fold
1) Fold napkin into triangle, with the point towards the top.
2) Hold left index finger on center bottom. With right hand, pinch top triangle point and pull straight up.
3) Take your right hand, and fold the triangle point to the left bottom corner.
4) Keep your left index finger on the bottom center from Step 2. With your right hand, pinch the topmost triangle point and pull straight up.
5) With your right hand, take the triangle point to the left bottom corner.
6) Keep your left index finger on the bottom center from Step 2. With your right hand, pinch the topmost triangle point ONE MORE TIME and fold over to the bottom left corner.
7) Fan and flair out as you like!
Watch the Video: Handkerchief Origami Fold
Fancy Impress-Your-Mother-In-Law Folds
Fanciful Butterfly
1) Fold napkin into triangle, with the point towards the top.
2) With your left hand, fold the left corner to the top triangle point. At the same time with your right hand, fold the right corner to the top triangle point.
3) Turn your napkin over!
4) Fold the bottom triangle point up to the top triangle point.
5) Fold bottom right corner into the center, with the left bottom corner over top of the right, also folded towards the center.
6) Here’s where it get three dimensional, and possibly confusing… Stand napkin up on bottom crease. Tuck left corner into the middle fold of the right corner you previously folded over. Tighten this tuck to adjust size and stability.
7) Turn to face you. Fold down the butterfly’s wings to show it’s colors!
Watch the Video: Fanciful Butterfly Origami Napkin Fold
1) Fold the points of an open napkin into the center.
2) Again fold the corner points into the center.
3) A third time, fold the corner points into the center.
4) Turn over! One more time, fold the corner points into the center.
5) Pinch and hold the four corner points together in the center. Hold on and don’t let go!
6) Unfold all the petals nested under the corner folds. Unfold them and fluff them out. There should be 12 points to your Lotus!